Love Quotes Sayings Biography
Love is the one thing stronger than desire and the only proper reason to resist temptation.
JEANETTE WINTERSON, Written on the Body
Love is the cheapest of religions.
CESARE PAVESE, This Business of Living, Dec. 21, 1939
Absence is to love as wind is to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.
UMBERTO ECO, The Island of the Day Before
There's nothing deader than a dead love.
LEONA HELMSLEY, Playboy, Nov. 1990
The Venus flytrap, a devouring organism, aptly named for the goddess of love.
TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, Suddenly Last Summer
The pleasures of love are really quite wonderful--though I suspect they are rather a luxury and require a certain level of socioeconomic stability to be anything other than a mode of suffering.
SAMUEL R. DELANY, Conversations with Samuel R. Delany
To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.
JORGE LUIS BORGES, "The Meeting in a Dream," Other Inquisitions
Love in the young requires as little of hope as of desire to feed upon.
I try to keep deep love out of my stories because, once that particular subject comes up, it is almost impossible to talk about anything else. Readers don’t want to hear about anything else. They go gaga about love. If a lover in a story wins his true love, that’s the end of the tale, even if World War III is about to begin, and the sky is black with flying saucers.
KURT VONNEGUT, The Paris Review, spring 1977
Are not all loves secretly the same? A hundred flowers sprung from a single root.
TANITH LEE, Delirium's Mistress
And when two people have loved each other
see how it is like a
scar between their bodies,
stronger, darker, and proud;
how the black cord makes of them a single fabric
that nothing can tear or mend.
JANE HIRSHFIELD, "For What Binds Us"
This love of ours, in so far as it is a love for one particular creature, is not perhaps a very real thing, since, though associations of pleasant or painful musings can attach it for a time to a woman to the extent of making us believe that it has been inspired by her in a logically necessary way, if on the other hand we detach ourselves deliberately or unconsciously from those associations, this love, as though it were in fact spontaneous and sprang from ourselves alone, will revive in order to bestow itself on another woman.
MARCEL PROUST, Within a Budding Grove
Not all men are worthy of love.
SIGMUND FREUD, Civilization and Its Discontents
We value love not because it's stronger than death but because it's weaker. Say what you want about love: death will finish it. You will not go on loving in the grave, not in any physical way that will at all resemble love as we know it on earth. The perishable nature of love is what gives love its importance in our lives. If it were endless, if it were on tap, love wouldn't hit us the way it does.
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love Quotes Sayings
Love is the one thing stronger than desire and the only proper reason to resist temptation.
JEANETTE WINTERSON, Written on the Body
Love is the cheapest of religions.
CESARE PAVESE, This Business of Living, Dec. 21, 1939
Absence is to love as wind is to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.
UMBERTO ECO, The Island of the Day Before
There's nothing deader than a dead love.
LEONA HELMSLEY, Playboy, Nov. 1990
The Venus flytrap, a devouring organism, aptly named for the goddess of love.
TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, Suddenly Last Summer
The pleasures of love are really quite wonderful--though I suspect they are rather a luxury and require a certain level of socioeconomic stability to be anything other than a mode of suffering.
SAMUEL R. DELANY, Conversations with Samuel R. Delany
To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.
JORGE LUIS BORGES, "The Meeting in a Dream," Other Inquisitions
Love in the young requires as little of hope as of desire to feed upon.
I try to keep deep love out of my stories because, once that particular subject comes up, it is almost impossible to talk about anything else. Readers don’t want to hear about anything else. They go gaga about love. If a lover in a story wins his true love, that’s the end of the tale, even if World War III is about to begin, and the sky is black with flying saucers.
KURT VONNEGUT, The Paris Review, spring 1977
Are not all loves secretly the same? A hundred flowers sprung from a single root.
TANITH LEE, Delirium's Mistress
And when two people have loved each other
see how it is like a
scar between their bodies,
stronger, darker, and proud;
how the black cord makes of them a single fabric
that nothing can tear or mend.
JANE HIRSHFIELD, "For What Binds Us"
This love of ours, in so far as it is a love for one particular creature, is not perhaps a very real thing, since, though associations of pleasant or painful musings can attach it for a time to a woman to the extent of making us believe that it has been inspired by her in a logically necessary way, if on the other hand we detach ourselves deliberately or unconsciously from those associations, this love, as though it were in fact spontaneous and sprang from ourselves alone, will revive in order to bestow itself on another woman.
MARCEL PROUST, Within a Budding Grove
Not all men are worthy of love.
SIGMUND FREUD, Civilization and Its Discontents
We value love not because it's stronger than death but because it's weaker. Say what you want about love: death will finish it. You will not go on loving in the grave, not in any physical way that will at all resemble love as we know it on earth. The perishable nature of love is what gives love its importance in our lives. If it were endless, if it were on tap, love wouldn't hit us the way it does.
Love Quotes Sayings

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